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Exploring the Secrets of Turner Falls

By Chloé Gee | June 26, 2020

I’m on a quest to see the world’s most beautiful waterfalls, and I’m starting with all the ones I can get to in Oklahoma! Next…

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The Great Salt Plains: 3 Tips to Know Before you Go

By Chloé Gee | June 25, 2020

I don’t remember a ton about March 2020, and it was only a few months ago. I feel like it rained a lot, but I…

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Hiking, painting, exploring - oh my! I'm here to blog about life, love, food, traveling and adventure.

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The Best Secret Bars in Austin, Texas

By Chloé Gee | June 18, 2020

In February of 2020, I ventured down to Austin, Texas for the 2020 IABC Leadership Institute. It was a WONDERFUL event and we met so…

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How Hiking Changed My Life: Diary of a Girl Who Hates Dirt

By Chloé Gee | June 17, 2020

Metamorphosis of a City Girl Let’s get it straight — anyone who know’s me will be glad to tell you I don’t like getting dirty.…

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Exploring the Secrets of Turner Falls

By Chloé Gee | June 26, 2020

I’m on a quest to see the world’s most beautiful waterfalls, and I’m starting with all the ones I can get to in Oklahoma! Next…

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Hiking Natural Falls in Colcord, Oklahoma

By Chloé Gee | June 20, 2020

Waterfall wanderlust – I have it bad, and I blame it all on the magic of Natural Falls in Natural Falls State Park in Colcord,…

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The Best Secret Bars in Austin, Texas

By Chloé Gee | June 18, 2020

In February of 2020, I ventured down to Austin, Texas for the 2020 IABC Leadership Institute. It was a WONDERFUL event and we met so…

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DIY Dust-Proof Shelving for Drying Art

By Chloé Gee | June 21, 2020

When I first started my art journey, the No. 1 thing I struggled with was finishing! And by finishing I mean figuring out how to…

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Exploring the world, painting my heart out, and taking plenty of photos along the way.

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